
Goodbye Moonmen

Stopped praying for a week just to see whether if I might be one of those people. People that doesn't pray but God still give them everything.. Istidraj' is the word, however you spell it. I guess I'm not one of those people, since I felt more miserable when I intentionally skipped all those obligations. I guess I'm one of those people whose life gets hard when you stop praying, and life gets even harder when you pray. It's going to be a long night.. A week worth of prayers I have to cover back.



I have only a couple of regrets in this life, but those few regrets are the ones that matters. Those few are the ones that is killing me every single day..


Burnt Out

I'm sorry buddy.. I'm sorry I felt this way. I can hide those feelings, but I know that's not the truth.


Lost Family

Took my nephew to the park the other day, because I had to watch him for a couple of hours. The look in his face, his smile, his laughter brings joy to your heart but at the end of the day he brought me more pain than comfort.. Because I know I would never have something like that. So I stopped doing all of those things. I stopped playing with him, I stopped taking him to the playground.. Because it hurts, it hurts so much. Never would have thought that hearing your nephew's laughter and giggles would break the heart.


Raven Fall

Once they have gone through the bullshit they put you through, only then you'll know that they are truly sorry for what they did. Once they have felt what you feel, once they have suffered as you have.. Only then their apology meant something.