
She's Not Beautiful

Do you remember that one night I asked for your picture and you're sick? The first time I saw that picture, I was like what the hell is wrong with you.. But the more I look at it, I began to love that picture even more. You were wearing a red shirt.. I can't put that picture here. You weren't covered properly.

I find her most beautiful when she's not feeling well, when she's vulnerable. I find her most beautiful during her special week. I find her most beautiful whenever she had a bad day. I find her most beautiful when she's not in the mood. I find her most beautiful when she had a bad hair day. I find her most beautiful when she has that one pimple on her face. I find her most beautiful when she's angry. I find her most beautiful when she's sulking over something I did or said. It's not that she ain't beautiful when she is all dressed up and looking pretty.. It's just that I find her most beautiful on her worst day, on her darkest days. The day when the sun doesn't shine or the stars, the moon don't light up the night sky. When her day is full of disappointment, when everything goes wrong. That's when I will find her most beautiful. I wish I was still able to call her beautiful on those days. Just like the rest of us, I was too late.. And for that my love, my annoying chubby little princess.. I am sorry.

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