
Cold Coffee

I forgot. You don't care anymore..

Off Shore

Will I ever see you again? Will our path cross again in the near future? Will I ever hear your voice again or see your beautiful face? Will I ever see you again love? I hope I will..


Primal Aggression

Tell her that I miss her yesterday. Tell her that I miss her today and tell her that I will be missing her tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Let her know that I miss her. Let her know that I miss her every single day. Tell her that every day. Please God.. I miss her so much. Please tell her that I miss her so much..


Final King

You don't know how very special you are to me..


He will never know you the way I do, he will never see you the way my eyes do..


Micro Design

Grow old and fat together. Remember that love? Good times huh?

Deeper Conversation

I guess it's going to take me a few more years to recover from this loss, from this love..


Last Stop

I do not want to leave this place.. This is the only thing I have of you

My Queen

Your words binds me to this place. I miss hearing those words.. 


Greater Rift

One day she decided to tell me to fuck off and then vanish.



Lost and alone..



Money makes people forget all the memories they had together for years. It makes people forget all the sacrifices they made. All the tough times they have gone through together. Money has that power to do that. It makes people forget. 


I trusted you. I trusted that you will always been loyal, that you will stay by my side for better or for worse. Maybe it was a mistake trusting you.. I should have trammel you more.


No Remorse

I have so much to say, but you're so far away..


Space Migration

Don't worry, I hate me too. I hate myself too. You're not alone.


That purple heart reminds me of you. Have been seeing it a lot lately..

False Prophet

I miss you more and more everyday. I can't control myself no longer. I feel like texting you, I want to.  I need to. I need to talk to you love.. I miss you so much. I need to see you. I miss you so much dear.. And it is killing me. It hurts so much not be able to see you anymore..


"Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.."

That's the day I will have no love for anyone but myself. That's the day I will have no remorse. That's the day I will lack empathy. That's the day my heart will be as black as coal.. And that's the day I will finally lose my soul.


Fished Out

Maybe I was a bit too nice to you when we were breaking apart. I should hurt you as well, I should call you names, I should have forced you to stay, tell you what I have done for you, What I have sacrificed for you, I should have blackmailed you, I should have treat you the way you treat me. Maybe then you will come to our senses. You have always been blind to see that I loved you, I really really loved you. Maybe if I did all of those, then you might have stayed. 

Silent Chaos

I still whatsapp you from time to time. I still talk to you about my day, I still tell you what I had for lunch or dinner. I still talk to you dear.. I know you will never see it, but I still do it. We used to talk a lot about those things. I wished I can still tell you everything again.. I still tell you everything though. I needed someone to talk to. I need you.. And only you. I need you to hear me out, to hear my stories, my complaints. Even though you will never hear it, I still talk to you.

Last Samurai

I don't feel like studying anymore.. I can't even focus. 


Wind Colours

I need those antidepressants pills. It might help me eat, help me sleep. Maybe help me get better.

Plague Avatar

The girl that changed me, for better or for worse?


Perfume Princess

Our birthmark looks quite the same actually.. Can you remember what's mine looks like?



I've never given up on you. I never have.

Darth Caecus

I'll wait for you sayang.. No matter how long it takes

Soul Storm

I dreamt about you a lot. Maybe God is trying to tell me to wait for you a bit longer.. Hold on to you for a while more. Maybe God wants me to wait for you.


She's Not Beautiful

Do you remember that one night I asked for your picture and you're sick? The first time I saw that picture, I was like what the hell is wrong with you.. But the more I look at it, I began to love that picture even more. You were wearing a red shirt.. I can't put that picture here. You weren't covered properly.

I find her most beautiful when she's not feeling well, when she's vulnerable. I find her most beautiful during her special week. I find her most beautiful whenever she had a bad day. I find her most beautiful when she's not in the mood. I find her most beautiful when she had a bad hair day. I find her most beautiful when she has that one pimple on her face. I find her most beautiful when she's angry. I find her most beautiful when she's sulking over something I did or said. It's not that she ain't beautiful when she is all dressed up and looking pretty.. It's just that I find her most beautiful on her worst day, on her darkest days. The day when the sun doesn't shine or the stars, the moon don't light up the night sky. When her day is full of disappointment, when everything goes wrong. That's when I will find her most beautiful. I wish I was still able to call her beautiful on those days. Just like the rest of us, I was too late.. And for that my love, my annoying chubby little princess.. I am sorry.



"I've seen the ugly parts of you, and I'm staying."


Razor's Edge

My heart's a prison.. And you are the prisoner. The only one.


Bastion Keep

I hear you calling me yesterday.. I want to hear your voice so much last night. So I asked God. I want to hear your voice and God grant me my wish. I can hear your voice calling out to me. I know it is only in my head, but it felt so real. I cried so hard too last night.. Your voice was so soothing. You don't know how much I miss it. It was so manja.. You know the tone you will use when you want something from me? It was so soft, your voice was beautiful as the day I fell in love with you.. It was so beautiful sayang.. We talked to each other last night. It was just a short conversation but it did put a smile on my face. Thank you God.. Thank you so much..


I just want to hear something from you.. Anything.. Please dear. I miss your voice. Please say something. I don't mind if your words will hurt me.. I just want to hear your voice again.

New Empire

How are you today sayang? Can I know how your day was? What did you have for lunch and dinner? I miss you dear.. I miss talking to you. I want to hear your voice again sayang.. Please let me hear your voice again.. I want to hear you laugh, I want to hear you cry, I want to hear you scold me, nag me.. Please sayang.. Say something to me. I miss you.. Please..



Dark Clouds

Loving you wasn't easy, but it is worth it. I didn't know it would be this hard.. Thought I could have you for the rest of my life. I thought you wouldn't leave me after all that we have gone through together. I gotta keep on fighting for you.. Maybe one day God will see my effort and He will return you back to me. I won't give up love.. I won't give up on us.


Fallen Lords

I chose to love you, I chose to keep you in my heart always. No matter what, I will always love you dear. You can hurt me all you want.. But I will always love you. You have a special place in this heart.

Dull Blade

Life was an adventure back then..


Move Mountains

I've lost the light again..

New Home

It hurts coming back home. The places we have been to together, the road we took haunts me every time I go back. I'm sorry I couldn't be there for mother's day.. And I'm sorry I won't be there for puasa and raya as well. I can't go back there. It hurts so much.. It hurts ma.. It hurts.



I would rather spend my whole alone than being with someone else. I couldn't start over with someone new. I couldn't forget all that we have been through together. All the memories, all the love, all the sleepless nights together. I couldn't do all of those again with someone else. I will always think of you. Those nights together.. I will always think of you.

Thousand More Years

Looks like I can only have you when I finally reach heaven. It's going to be a while.. But she's worth the wait.


Van Der Wijk

Remember those words. Remember what you did to me.

Breaking Curse

"I've a heart again.. Yet all it feels is grief, sadness and defeat."


A better tomorrow? I'm still waiting for that day to come.


Little Lantern

Please come back sayang..

Toad Prince

Everything was better in the past.

Most Merciful

Praying was a lot easier back then. I know I'm praying to God. I prayed because of Him, for Him. Now I'm not sure if I'm doing this for God or for you. My prayers was more sincere back then too. Now it feels like I'm doing everything for you. Why do you have to do this to me? Just why? You have turned my world upside down. 


I didn't love her the way she wants to be loved. I love her the way I want to be loved.

Polar Red

Break my fast with only a glass of water.. Then I would go to sleep or something. The only time I would eat is when I sahur. Don't feel like eating anything. Not even hungry.


Master Mirror

Every day I look at the mirror, I'm turning into someone that I am not. I'm slowly turning into the man I was.. And I'm afraid. I don't want to go back.. I do not wish to go back. I need you dear. I need you so badly right now. I can't do this without you..