


I will always find myself at your door no matter where I go, or whichever road I took, I will always end up in the same place. Wished that you're still there, wished that you were still in your room, wished that you'd still miss me. 


Nigh Inseparable

If only you could feel the pain that you've caused me.. You will hate me, and you will be disgusted at the though of me. The love you had for me will just fade and it won't grow stronger each and every day. You will stop hoping that I would change my mind and just come back to you. You will curse my name.. If only you could feel what I have felt, you will never be the same person ever again.

Of His Former Self

When your mother told you that you're no longer her favourite son. One of the sharpest knife I have ever felt.. I'm already in great pain, why not just go all the way, no? Well I deserved that actually. Your son might never come back because he found solace in the darkest part of his heart. Maybe something else will rise from his ashes, something worst probably.


I Will Be Here, Forever

If only one of us could be happy in this world, I'm glad that God chose you. Wished both of us could be happy together.. Maybe I'm asking too much I guess.


Last Glimpse

"Distant hearts, when rejoined as one.. May find the lost light within."


Edge Of Madness

"One of the hardest things you will ever have to do is to grieve the loss of a person who is still alive.."



I'm afraid my love for you will always be there.. I'm sorry



No matter how soft the bed is, you can't seem to find comfort. Food doesn't taste as good as it used to.. Everything you do just doesn't feel right. Your days keeps on getting dull and empty. I guess this is what it feels like when you lose His grace, His blessings. 


The Last December

It's has been almost a year now..



These nightmares are getting worse..


Of Escape And Near Misses

It might not be as painful as being in hell but it sure does hurt like one..

The World Went Away

Should have listened to your father and just gotten myself a job. I would probably still be happy right now. I should have just listened.


Illusive One

"When dreams turn to dust and life becomes a burden."


Do whatever makes you happy no? 


School Zone

I'm not a quitter, but today I am. I know I got only one sem left, but what's the point of continuing if your heart's no longer in it. Maybe I should learn how to quit more in life.


Part Two

I wouldn't mind starting over if it's with you. I would do it all over again. I will choose you still.. I would go through all of the pain again. Every time.



The one thing I learned from my father was never betray the ones you loved.. It wasn't like we had a man-to-man kind of talk. It was through his actions that I learned about betrayal and how it affects the other half.. Because I've seen what it did to my mother. How painful it was to her, how love destroys her and her faith. I've seen it and now I felt it. I waited for my father to come home when I was a kid, but he never did. I hope this time it would be different. I hope she would come home soon. It has been a while now..