

Do you remember that one time you went to pasar malam and you asked me to pick you up? I came very late that night, do you wanna know why? I was late because I got into an accident. I was rushing to go and pick you up, and I hit someone's car. My car is fine though. You told me to hurry up and so I did. I didn't want to tell you because I don't want you to feel responsible.. I don't want you to feel that it happened because of you, I don't want you to feel guilty. RM200 I think I have to pay.. Can't really remember. If I told you, you will want to pay for it as well. So I kept it a secret. I only told you that I have to pay my hutang, so you don't have to know. You even asked what hutang, I didn't say anything.. I avoid answering the question. I don't want you to know. There are so many things I did for you and I didn't tell you.. There are so many things I've sacrificed for you. There are so many things you didn't know.. Only God knows how much I have sacrificed for you. Maybe I should have told you all the things I did for you, all the things I have sacrificed for you.. Maybe then you wouldn't do this to me. You wouldn't leave me.. Maybe I should have told you..

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